How OffsetC Sources
Carbon Projects
To fulfill your purchases of carbon credits, OffsetC partners with CNaught to source projects from their Impact portfolio. Our partnership is based on shared values of the qualities that lead to high climate impact, including:
Durability: Project results in long-lived removal or avoidance of carbon emissions
Additionality: Project would not have happened without the purchase of carbon credits
Verifiability: Project’s processes adhere to carbon credit accounting best-standards
Independent third-party rating agencies technically evaluate each project, including:
United Nations SDGs: Project meets multiple UN Sustainable Development Goals
CNaught secures credits from a subset of projects in its Impact portfolio. A complete list of active projects can be found here. CNaught’s portfolio approach minimizes risk and balances lower cost carbon credits, such as nature-based solutions and methane capture, with higher cost technical projects.
A portfolio approach keeps your overall costs down while incentivizing high-cost projects to drive their costs down over time as they will be essential to pulling more carbon from the atmosphere in the future .
Which projects within CNaught’s Impact portfolio currently have credits available varies from month-to-month. Your monthly report details exactly which projects OffsetC has purchased and retired on your behalf.