Calculating Carbon Purchases

Here’s an example calculation of how we use your gas purchases to buy carbon credits:

Step Example Source
Gas Purchased $63.80 Credit card charge (via Plaid)
Dollars per gallon $3.19 Current average in state of residence or purchase
American Automobile Association (AAA)
Est. Gallons 20 gal = $63.80 gas purchase / ($3.19/gallon)
Credit card charge/dollars per gallon
Total Emissions (CO2e) 178 kg = 20 gallons * 8.887 kg/gallon
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency avg. of 8.9 kg CO2/gallon of gasoline
Carbon credit price $0.02/kg CO2 removed or avoided Pricing based on our project portfolio
(this example is equal to $20/ton)
Carbon credit total $3.56 = 178 kg * $0.02/kg
(purchased by OffsetC on your behalf)
Administrative fee $0.36 10% of carbon credit purchase
Credit card fee $0.40 = $0.30 + 0.029*($3.56)
Flat $0.30/transaction + 2.9% of carbon credit purchase (from Stripe)
Total $4.32 = $3.56 + $0.36 + $0.40
Total % gas purchase 6.8% = $4.32/$63.80